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搜尋參考資料: 1.Loom www.loom.com Download your Loom Archive. Loom has joined Dropbox and continued operating until May 16, 2014. If you are a Loom user and did not yet export your photos to ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loom A loom is a device used to weave cloth and tapestry. The basic purpose of any loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the ... www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/loom Video embedded · Middle English lome tool, loom, from Old English gelōma tool; akin to Middle Dutch allame tool. First Known Use: 15th century www.thefreedictionary.com/loom loom 1 (lo͞om) intr.v. loomed, loom·ing, looms 1. To come into view as a massive, distorted, or indistinct image: "I faced the icons that loomed through the veil of ... dictionary.reference.com/browse/loom Many feared his tragic finish at the 1988 Olympics would continue to loom over his career into the 1994 Lillehammer Games. |
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產品說明FABER-CASTELL 平價超值筆款~~ 共4色! LOOM是一款以霧面金屬作為筆桿前端基底設計的逸筆,前段部分極為雅緻由5到7個漸層式呈現的刻環所組成,搭配上對比極重的後端主色,成就出這款出色亮麗的時尚系列。藍色、紫色、橘色、銀色為主要的繽紛色系,另外還有經典鋼琴烤漆色─ 黑、白兩色可供選擇。 鋼珠筆依照慣例使用快乾墨水增加書寫流暢度,鉻製金屬筆夾好固定不移位 來自德國,全球最大色鉛筆製造商 FABER-CASTELL德國輝柏,創立於1761年,是世界第一個將書寫工具冠以品牌行銷的公司,年產約18億支鉛筆,也是目前全球最大的色鉛筆製造商。其銷售點遍及全球120多個國家。現今鉛筆公定長度、軟硬度、直徑以及六角形筆桿皆由FABER-CASTELL所訂立。 |